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Sam’s Curious Cultivars

Donkey's Tail Succulent, Sedum Morganianum, 2-3in, Well Rooted, Bare Root

Donkey's Tail Succulent, Sedum Morganianum, 2-3in, Well Rooted, Bare Root

Regular price $12.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $12.00 USD
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Meet the Donkey's Tail Succulent

Get ready to meet your new best friend in the indoor gardening world - the Donkey's Tail Succulent, otherwise known as the Sedum Morganianum! This plant is not just a regular green buddy; it’s a showstopper with a unique personality that can turn any corner of your home into a mini botanical garden!

Imagine a cascade of plump, teardrop-shaped leaves that overflow from its pot like a waterfall of greenery. The Donkey's Tail Succulent sports a lush coat of jade-green leaves, each one delightfully soft and squishy to the touch. It's like nature's stress ball, right there in your living room! And when the light hits just right, you might even spot a hint of blue or silver on those chubby leaves.

Caring for Donkey's Tail Succulent

But it's not just about the looks with this beauty. The Donkey's Tail Succulent is as easy-going as they come. It's a sun-lover, so a bright spot by the window would be perfect. But don't worry if you don't have that kind of light; this tough little guy can handle lower light conditions too. Just remember, like all succulents, it doesn't like soggy soil. So, let it dry out between waterings and it'll be as happy as a clam at high tide!

Did you know that the Donkey's Tail Succulent is also known for its longevity? With the right care, this plant can be part of your indoor garden family for years, even decades! And guess what? 

Caring for this plant is a breeze, making it perfect for newbie plant parents. It's a forgiving plant that only asks for a little love, light, and not too much water. And in return, it will reward you with its captivating looks and a sense of accomplishment.

So, what are you waiting for? Bring the Donkey's Tail Succulent home and let its charm and easy-care nature turn your indoor gardening journey into an exciting adventure! This plant is more than just a decoration; it's a companion that brings life, beauty, and a touch of wild to your indoor space. Trust us, your home will thank you!

Donkey’s Tail Succulents are well rooted plants, 2-3in tall and will be shipped bare root.


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